Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Beginning of a New Year

So it is the beginning of 2014.  I promised myself at the end of 2013 that this year I would start writing and blogging again.  My life basically took a major crap in 2013 and now I am ready to move on, spread my wings and fly high.

So to start a little about me so that you can all get to know me. I grew up on a farm in Ireland.  We were a very poor family and I was on of 13 children, 10 boys and 3 girls and I was the youngest of the 3 girls.  I can say I had a difficult life growing up but that is the past and it is best left there.

I am the mom of 1, 8 by birth and three by adoption.  I am also the grandmother of 2 beautiful angels who are my heart and soul.  Children have always been my first love.  Unfortunately I can no longer birth a child but my heart is always open to more if it is in the plans for me to give a home to a child in need.

I was raised a Celtic Pagan.  Through the years I have tried to deny and hide that part of me.  I became a Catholic and really felt that was a good fit for me.  Forgetting about the past shite I dealt with in my younger years I really tried to fit in but, I discovered I was trying to conform to someone else's want of me.  I joined an esoteric independent Catholic Church and finally found what I was looking for.  It perfectly melds together the magick and fantasy I grew up with and so many other facets of spirituality.  So enough about that.  I want to write again and this is the beginning of just that.  I plan on sharing with you a bit of my crazy life.  Some spells, herbal remedies, invocations and so many other things.  Sit back and enjoy the journey!!

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