Saturday, January 4, 2014


Otherkin, they are perhaps one of the most misunderstood, and poorly treated souls in this dimension.  They are often deemed as crazy, weird, different, and odd.  Many spend most of their lives feeling detached and alone. I have slouly reconnected with my otherkin self.  For years I denied who I was trying to forget my magickal quirky artistic nature and blend in with society.  Sadly it left me searching, trying to figure out why I couldn't fit in and alone.  So violently alone that I would succumb to harming myself to try and feel a connection with the human world around me. 

So what are otherkin.  The best definition I have found for otherkin is this: a community of people who see themselves as partially or entirely non-human. They believe that they are, in spirit if not in body, not human. This is explained by some members of the otherkin community as possible through reincarnation, having a nonhuman soul, ancestry, or symbolic metaphor.

 Otherkin largely identify as mythical creatures, with others identifying as creatures from fantasy or popular culture. Examples include: angels, demons, dragons, robots or androids, elves, fairies, sprites, plants or algae, and aliens. Many otherkin believe in the existence of a multitude of parallel/alternative universes, which would explain the existence and the possibility to relate to fantastical beings and even fictional characters.

In essence otherkin are Non-human souls being born into human bodies/families. This can also get fringe meaning that those non-human souls have children, who while human, posses an ingrained level of magick/power similar in nature to that of a full otherkin. That's the hereditary side of things. Mostly seems to happen with fae and is generally referred to with terms like "Fae gifts" (the natural in-born magick of the fae, but not actually possessing a fae soul), or "bloodkin" (children/family of those who are otherkin that have either gifts themselves or have just learned the realities of it all because of the existence of otherkin in their lives)

This is the common belief to how this happens. There are multiple realms/dimensions/realities/whatever you want to call it. in which there are other races. Somehow-for unknown reasons-the souls of those races can cross to THIS realm/dimension/reality/whatever, and be born as humans. But, they are really not human. Most posses magickal gifts, talent, powers, needs, and memories that move WAY past that of "normal" humans. Most have a deep longing to go "home" but don't know what or where it is they are longing for. Often spending a lot of their lives trying to find that place. Most feel very out of touch or place with modern life, finding themselves different from a very early age and possibly even stating things as young children that adults pass off as "fantasy." Many otherkin grow up and grow out of these memories and magicks because they are EXPECTED TO. Sometimes, they will come to a point much later in life where they re-awaken that part of themselves. Most however, who fall "asleep" (meaning, they completely forget their true nature and bury their magick and memories somewhere they don't even know how to find them anymore) don't ever wake up.

At one point in time, I believe that the veils/barriers/mists/etc. between the worlds (realms/dimensions/whatever you want to call them) were illusionary and otherkin could walk along the earth without having to first assume human bodies. I believe that at one point, what we now consider "fairy tales" were really just otherkin in their natural form. But, as humanity grew, changed, learned science over belief, the barriers grew and the possibility faded. Now, you can't have a dragon be in this world in their true form for example, because no one could handle the existence of one.

 Common Traits/Talents
Very Energy and more often Nature Aware.
--Ability to "talk" to the wind, water, trees, etc.
--Ability to "hear" them reply
--A deeper, different, and more intense connection to the earth
--A deeper, different, and more intense connection to the magickal/astral/dream/etc.
--A strong connection with the stars, sun, moon, or celestial is common

Most otherkin DO tend to have higher then average IQ's

--Mostly believed to be an extension of using more of one's mind and potential.
--Strong abilities in one field, poor in others (generally more liberal and arts minded)
--A strong sense of knowledge and need to learn (probably on ones own time and in their own way though)

Being overly sensitive to the "normal" senses
--Hearing light, seeing smells. Sounds weird, but seems oddly universal.
--Loving or hating sunlight-finding it either charging or draining.
--Whines from electronics easily heard, perfumes easily smelled, etc.
--Strong loves and hates of food and flavors
--The ability to "get lost in" or "drown" in pleasing colors
--To be emotionally moved by a site of Beauty

Empathy and/or mild Telepathy.
--This can sometimes be a literal headache.
--May show up in childhood and be repressed for awhile or kept secret through school years.
--Just "knowing" when someone lies or tells the truth
--Getting a "feeling" about the nature of a person and their intentions
--Ability to convey a thought/emotion/need to another unspoken
--It seems like a natural extension of oneself.

Separation and Feeling Out of Touch
--Sometimes even a very "protective" feeling towards others?
--The counter of this is feeling very "dominant" towards others
--Feeling "one step behind" of the crowd
--Having a speeding or slowing of Time

I know some will read this and think I am off my rocker.  So be it.  I am no longer afraid to admit and embrace my otherkin soul.  I am a fairy always have been and always will be.  I have found through out my life when I suppress the belief in who I am I become despondent, depressed, and out of touch with everything and everyone around.  I become self abusive and allow myself to be placed in situations which are not good for my emotional and physical well being.  I know I am different and a bit eccentric and quirky, but that is me.  As I have aged I find the most comfort in others who are like me.  I find surrounding myself with others who are not human allows me to be me.  If you think this is absurd please keep moving on and go elsewhere.  This is a non judgemental and freeing space for all and if you are open to different beliefs than you are always welcome.

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