Thursday, January 2, 2014

Black Salt

Black salt is sometimes called Sal Negro, Witches' Salt, Drive Away Salt, Voodoo Salt or Santeria Salt.  Though it does have some negative connotations, black salt can be used in a positive way as a powerful tool of protection.  Sprinkled in doorways and corners, it can be used as a protection against bad neighbors or co-workers and drive away negativity.  Black salt can be scattered around the perimeter of your property or garden as a protective shield.  When a spell or ritual calls for a strong circle of protection, black salt can be used.  In Hoodoo magic, it's an additive for war water and is also used traditionally to remove a hex or jinx.
Making black salt is quite simple.  There are several different ways, most of  which include mixing 2 parts salt to 1 part of another substance; cast iron scrapings, ash from a fire place, charcoal, black pepper or even  black dye.
Traditional recipes generally call for the scraping of a cast iron pot or cauldron.  To make a custom black salt, try burning herbs of protection in a cast iron cauldron over a self-lighting charcoal.  Use the ash, charcoal and scrapings from the pot and mix with twice as much salt.  Store in a jar with a tight-fitting lid until ready to use.
 Black salt can also be purchased online or in magickal stores those salts are actually dyed with black dye and are said to work just as well.

 A basic guide for the traditional uses of black salt can be found below.
-To rid evil and negativity from one's home, sprinkle black salt on the floor and then sweep it up and out the front door and off the porch toward the street. This would be an example of a white magic spell.

-To prevent a troublesome person from returning to one's home, as soon as they leave throw black salt on the porch or sidewalk and then quickly and vigorously sweep it out to the street while cursing or cussing them. If you are bold you can throw black salt at their back as they walk away. This would be an example of a black magic spell; however such could easily be adapted into a white magic spell by addressing the salt and asking that it remove this person without harming him/her and then not cursing the person.

-To gain revenge on an enemy, sprinkle black salt into a doll baby or voodoo doll containing a personal concern from the enemy, such as a photograph, snip of hair or fingernail clippings. Black salt can be added to black magic mojos or bottle spells which are to be buried on the property of the victim or else hidden inside their home or car. Black salt can also be used to create a potion which is used to curse an enemy. To make this potion, dissolve black salt (the kind that has been dyed with black food coloring) in water. One can use a plastic water bottle or any container with a lid for this. Add to it graveyard dirt, black pepper, and one whole bottle of a black magic oil. Close the lid and shake well while cursing one's enemy. The potion is deployed by dumping it on the enemy's car or porch. These would be examples of black magic uses of black salt.

In another Blog I will discuss some of the other versatile uses of salt in magickal workings

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